(something for all PCEA members to be proud of)OFFICIAL NAMENational PCEA Ted G. Wilson Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc.ESTABLISHEDAt the PCEA National Convention May 21, 1988 in memory of Ted Wilson (1932-1987), the first National Executive Director of the PCEA.PURPOSEAn endowed National PCEA Foundation to provide scholarships in each of the states that have PCEA chapters. This is a separate IRS 501(c) (3) charitable corporation.ADMINISTRATIONBoard of Trustees (presently 5 members) - Chairperson is the National PCEA President-Elect, with one Trustee appointed from each state which has PCEA chapters, each serving three years on a rotating basis. DUTIES INCLUDE: Supervision of day-to-day operations, investments, fundraising promotions, annual budget, and setting scholarship amounts based on income of investments, etc.STATE COMMITTEESEach state with PCEA chapters has a State Committee, consisting of a Chairperson (who is that state's Trustee) plus three other membersEach serve three years on a rotating basis.DUTIES INCLUDE- Promote the Foundation.- Solicit funds and fundraisers.- Encourage donations from members, chapters, companies, Order of Isosceles.- Solicit applications for scholarships and distribute application forms.- Receive and judge applications using a prescribed method of evaluation- Award scholarships in the most favorable and most visible way possible to let public know about the PCEA.- Generate publicity for all of the above.ORDER OF THE ISOSCELES
Was conceived by the Trustees in 1989 to generate income by the enrollment fee, which goes directly to the Foundation, thus helping the PCEA fulfill its obligation to future generations. Membership in the Order of the Isosceles is accompanied by a one-time $500 assessment, which is tax deductible. Individuals may enroll themselves, companies may give someone a membership as a tribute to hard work and dedication. Chapters can enroll persons they wish to recognize for service, and families can present an enrollment to a member as a special gift. Fellows in the Order of the Isosceles are bearers of opportunity for future construction leaders - they do not have to be a member of the PCEA.